($25 - Free Demo - From Winter Wolves)
This review includes information on the Loren expansion pack:
Castle of N'Mar ($10 - From Winter Wolves)
In this game you can play the part of Princess Loren's faithful slave - either the human male Saren or the elven female Elenor - and help her in her quests.
I really didn't want to write a lot of information about the plotline for this game because I didn't want to give away any spoilers. Let's just say that this story follows the normal paths for fantasy stories. That's not a bad thing though as everything is rather comfortable - at least in the main story plot.
I say main plot because there is also the option of a romance subplot. It's not necessary to complete the game and, I admit, I only romanced six or so of the characters. When you count all the dateable characters and take into consideration that several of the characters can be romanced by either Saren or Elenor, the complete romance-able options are two or three times that amount. I was going to play through them all, but the last couple of romances left me feeling a little…unpleasant. Nothing majorly wrong with them, just not my cup of tea at all.
With the N'Mar expansion pack (which adds four more characters) this is a rather long game. The gameplay is based mostly on the decisions you make as Loren's subordinate and an RPG style fighting system. There is also a skill tree for each character and you can select which skills they learn when they level up.
While I certainly liked the group effect of the game - it was because of this that it put me so much in mind of the fantasy books I read - I naturally had favorite characters. Draco, Dora and Sauzer. Oh, and Trouble. I also loved Elenor's personality when I made her answer with joking responses. (I always did love the humorous characters in any fantasy story.)
Official Website
Expansion Pack