Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Signed X


When Marty arrives at school early, she finds Matt, a boy way out of her league, leaving flowers on her desk. Having read too many shojo romance manga's, Marty is resolute: she will have her romantic scene. No matter what. Enlisted only half-unwillingly in her madcap scheme for an event worthy of a manga page is her best friend Warren. Will Marty succeed? Will she find love?

This game, from the creator of Summer Found Me, was so funny. You've got this girl who is determined to have her 'meet cute' moment. (If you don't know what I mean, search for 'meet cute trope' on a search engine.) She does things that no one in their right mind would think was appropriate or safe.

And her best friend Warren? Yeah, he helps her - but he's not particularly helpful. He makes it clear that he thinks she's crazy for all these scenarios she cooks up and goes through with. It's obvious that the only reason he sticks around (even if he does have a bit of a crush on her) is because he likes to make fun of her when her romantic attempt fails. As it invariably does. Yup, best friends for you.

The conversations - especially those between Marty and Warren - were laugh worthy. This creator totally gets my sense of humor. I love those snarky lines that are delivered with deadpan precision. Bonus points for not being cruel in any way - as snark becomes so easily.

The game is rather short with not a lot of replaying searching for all the endings going on - as there is only four, per the extras screen. The game is moderately short, but is very cute and entertaining.

Favorite guy? No surprise here. Warren. I will admit though that after playing through his ending, I did think Matt was rather cute also.

Official Website

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