The otome version sequel to The Flower Shop: Summer in Fairbrook. Natalie, desperate for money, takes a job at the Fairbrook flower shop over her college winter break. Once there, however, she finds the work more difficult than she first imagined. While working hard and making new friends will she come across romance?
I must admit that, after downloading the demo, I almost didn't buy the game. For me, Natalie's personality was just way to abrasive and completely different from mine. However, I was charmed by the idea. I mean seriously, a dating sim crossed with a farming sim? It's gotta be original anyway.
So, when Winter Wolves had their sale… I still was interested in the game - even if I wasn't quite willing to shell out twenty bucks for it.
Honestly, it probably would have been worth twenty. As a character, Natalie grew. Yeah, she was still a little immature - but I realized that that was part of her charm. Depending on the guy she romanced, also, her personality changes slightly. This was one of the things about this game that surprised me the most. Usually the leading lady character development is ignored in favor of the romance-able character's development so it was really nice to see Natalie change a bit.
Now, the guys… I actually liked all four of them. Unusual for me. I can normally find at least one that I felt little to nothing for - but given half a chance I'd love to date any of these guys. My favorite was (without a doubt) Trent. Not the guy I thought I would be, but I was just charmed by him. It would be next to impossible, though, for me to list the other three in order of favorites - so let's just pretend they are all tied for second favorite.
Anyways, I do recommend this game - especially if you're looking for a extremely cute, fluffy diversion. Which this was in spades. (Considering some of the stuff I've been playing/reading lately, that was actually kinda nice...)
Official Website Here
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